Ten Second Sketch

Our second attempt on Ludum dare has just ended. The theme this time was 10 seconds. We were somewhat disappointed as we would have preferred a more original theme. While discussing the theme, we thought that there were going to be a lot of similar games and we wanted to stand out! For quite a while we struggled to come up with a unique idea fitting to this theme. We then remembered an idea we actually had talked about just the previous week.
The discussion started when we found a sketch of a game Edvard and Gustav were involved in during their bachelor's thesis. We sometimes do friendly harassing of each others and I jokingly told them that their sketch were much better looking then their final product, and that they should have made a game with those graphics instead. Then we thought about it, agreeing that it would actually be pretty cool!

We recalled that moment and decided to try it out! After our project was set up and we had a frame displaying a black sun with a long rod piercing through it, it was definite!
Last time we had a really talented artist with us, André, who unfortunately were too busy to join us this time. As none of us know any real modelling, we decided to proceed with simple quads, textures, and imagination.
My head nearly exploded trying to draw a 2D ship from that point of view.

Once again, we are impressed with what you can achieve in such a short time frame, and we are very proud to have completed yet another game.

The game can be played in the browser (Google Chrome preferred) over at http://www.dagger.se/LDAug or downloaded as a .jar file at http://www.dagger.se/ludum/ldaug.jar. If you would like to visit and rate our game over at ludum dare, here's a link to that too: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-27/?action=preview&uid=13074

We would love to hear what you think about the game. Feel free to leave a comment below!